Alejandra S. Nuevo León, México.

Cat Behaviorist Report: Yowling behavior at night time October 2013 Mieshelle, I have (advice removed) my cat Harmonía about 15 to 30 minutos (advice removed), we do the (advice removed) many, many times. After that I give both my cats can food for dinner, in separate plates. I had my phone consultation with Mieshelle one week ago (wednesday, october 23), and for the past 5 nights, my Harmonía haven’t meow at night not even once. These past week has been the best slepping week my husband and I have had in months! I change my cats diet. Before I gave (special diet advice removed)… they love it! I see Teo more active and with more energy. We are a happier family now, thank you so much! Alejandro S. Mexico