Barbara K. California

Defecation behavior testimonial OMG, thank you, thank you, thank you. I have a cat that never defecated in the litter box. In fact he was my daughter’s cat and she couldn’t handle it any more, so she gave him to me. Tried everything – – multiple boxes, etc. No health issues. Friday after work (behavior advice removed). When I arrived home, I immediately (behavior advice removed). WITHIN HOURS no more defecating outside the box!!!! AND he covers his urine too, something he never did. Just urinated on top of the litter and walked away. Now I have to scoop down into the litter to find the urine and feces. I am telling everyone I know and my relatives and friends are amazed because they all knew about Capers and his out of box experiences (sometimes in the middle of the night stepping on it when they got up to use the bathroom, icky). Just wanted to extend extreme accolades! Barbara K.