33 Years of Solving Cat Behavior Issues
The Cat Behavior Clinic

Fact: Our team of licensed doctors and cat behaviorists evaluate behavior cases as a team. This collective approach leads to more thorough evaluations and comprehensive behavior plans, benefiting the cat.

Feline Cognitive Rescue Program™
Expertise for Complex or Severe Behavior Cases

Siamese Cat on the Table | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist

Licensed, Certified, Harvard and Oxford-trained: Phi Zeta Veterinarian and Cat Behaviorist Team 33 Years in Practice Solving Cat Behavior Issues for Thousands of Cats in Over 30 Countries

Developed by the clinic, our Feline Cognitive Rescue Program has been helping cats with severe or complex behavior issues achieve long lasting results. In practice 33 years, our team of cat behaviorists and licensed veterinarians ensure that your cat receives expert and comprehensive holistic care beyond conventional cat behavior advice.

There is simply no cat behavior problem we have not helped our clients solve many times — or that we cannot help you to solve now.  We are not “cat counselors” or “feline consultants”. Our licensed veterinary and cat behaviorist team provide excellent and comprehensive cat behavior care by applying the sciences of genetics, animal psychology, biology, physiology, and feline learning and memory to effectively correct a cat’s behavior – all with a Zoom video call or in-person in select areas.  This is why we have more cat owners purring than anyone (hundreds of testimonials since 1999 here).

Participate in our study helping cats just like yours with urination or defecation issues and
receive the reduced consulting fee of 325.00 through July 31st.

A Tabby Kitten using Litter Box | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist
Fact: Our team of doctors and cat behaviorists evaluate urination behavior cases as a team. This collective approach leads to more thorough evaluations and comprehensive behavior plans, benefiting the cat.

Cat Urination Issues

Go to: Cat Urination page to learn moreFact: if your cat is under 10 years of age there is a 1% – 5% chance of it having a urinary infection and more likely the issue is behavioral in nature. We have performed several thousand urination consultations in over 30 countries. Urination issues are by far the number one behavior issues in cats. Help cats just like yours by becoming part of our study and receive the reduced consult fee (please contact the clinic to start the scheduling process by July 31st). If no one volunteered to participate in our urination studies, there would be no scientific treatment options for you or other cat behaviorists you see today. For over 2 decades, cat owners who were fed up with urination issues helped us develop effective therapies for cats.

Cat Defecation Issues

  • Go to: Cat Defecation page here: No matter where it’s occurring or for how long, we have worked with thousands of cat owner for over two decades solving this high-level care cat behavior issue. The defecation program is one of our favorite behavior appointments with our clients (we have close to a 100% success rate with all cats we work with – the highest of all behavior issues second to urination).  Help cats just like yours by becoming part of our study and receive the reduced consult fee (please contact the clinic to start the scheduling process by July 31st). If no one volunteered to participate in our defecation studies, there would be no scientific treatment options for cats and other cat behaviorists you see today. For over 2 decades, cat owners with the “perplexing” cat defecation issue, helped our team develop effective therapies for cats. This problem is an unusual behavior issue as compared to a urination issue and has been known to perplex most veterinarians and behaviorists.  Our team has lectured nationally and internationally on this “blind spot” issue to veterinarians, shelter workers, and cat advocates from China to Chicago.
Image of a Curious Tabby Cat Peeping from under a Table | The Cat Behavior Clinic | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist
Cropped Image of Two Kittens with Leopard Spots | Cat Behaviorist | Mieshelle Nagelschneider

Vertical Urine Spray-marking

Do You Have a Bengal that is Urine Spray Marking?
This is a Solvable Cat Behavior Issue, even for a wildcat hybrid.

Go to: Spraying with Urine: this is a destructive marking behavior such as middening is with feces.

Closeup of Two Cats in a Conflict Over White Background | The Cat Behavior Clinic | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist

Inter-cat Aggression

One of Our Most Common Cat Behavior Appointments.
Cats Have a Huge Social Repertoire and are Designed to Be Around Other Cats!

Aggressive cat behavior with the owner, other cats (or dogs), or people within the household.  There are several types of aggression and you may have more than one type at play.

Excessive or Problematic Vocalization or Activity

  • Yowling, excessive vocalization, and compulsive behaviors. Go to these pages to learn more.

    And also:

  • Fearful cats added into a new home, or reducing generalized anxiety or fear in under socialized or feral cats. We create confident cats.
  • Clawing and other destructive behaviors — stop your cat from scratching the furniture.
  • Other so-called “bad cat behavior”.
  • Last, but not least, along with your vet, we can help your cat get the medical intervention it might need in addition to our behavioral expertise — some behavior problems are caused or exacerbated by pain or illness. Behavior problems caused by pain or illness often persist even after the medical problem is solved, and we’ll tell you when you need a good vet.
  • Read about our Outstanding Clinic Success Rate.
  • Read over 350 solved case studies and clinic testimonials from phone or video consultations.

Learn more about past and current animal behavior studies through Oxford University, The University of Edinburgh – The Royal School of Veterinary Studies, and Mieshelle’s behavior study and experience at Harvard.  Specialized behavior study has helped enable her to solve cat behavior issues for two decades and in over 30 countries.

A Founder of the “Cat Behaviorist” Specialty, Mieshelle’s Scholarly Cat Science Book is Used to Certify Other Cat Behaviorists and Consultants You See Today.

Like most expert cat behaviorists, we are able to achieve full success with you over the phone or by Skype or Zoom video.

Do You Need to Rule Out Health Issues to Receive Behavioral Help for Your Cat? Short Answer – No

You do not need to rule out a health issue with your veterinarian to receive behavior help for your cat. In fact, cats that do have chronic health issues can still be helped with effective therapies behaviorally. Do we recommend your cat have routine exams by your vet? Yes. In fact, we recommend this occurs once yearly, but there is no reason to postpone behavioral help for your cat (or cats) while waiting for a vet appointment or even if they are found to have a health issue. Medical and behavioral issues can overlap. Chronic urinary health condition cats are not a lost cause and can be helped behaviorally by our team so they will urinate in the litter box 100% of the time. We have helped thousands of cat owners for over two decades and in over 30 countries by phone or video solve their cat’s behavior issues. Recipient of the Golden Purr Award and Gambol Myfoodie Award for Behavior and Cat Nutrition for her contribution to cat behavior (her scholarly-cited book is used to certify cat “experts” and veterinarians you see today around the world), you can learn more about Mieshelle’s animal behavior study and experience at Oxford University and Harvard University here. Her 2-time Academy Award-winning cat behavior show, My Cat from Hell, is the most watched cat behavior show in the world with over 1 billion viewers. The clinic is also the newly appointed cat nutrition research and develop experts for the largest cat food company and manufacturer in the world to help cats truly thrive behaviorally and nutritionally.

Like most expert cat behaviorists, we are able to achieve full success with you over the phone or by Skype or Zoom video. Learn whyContact The Cat Behavior Clinic to schedule a behavior consultation for your cat (or cats) at 1-503-267-8888.

Tabby Kitten getting Belly Scratches on a Ladys Lap 2 | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist

Cat Behavior Problem: Training for You and Your Cat

We also help our clients to train their cats in desirable new behaviors and cat behavior modification:

  • Introducing (and re-introducing) new kittens, other cats, other animals, or new people to the household, using a science researched based strategy we call The Nagelschneider Method, a highly effective scientific system for reducing hostility available only from the Clinic’s own behaviorists.
  • Keeping cats off counters and other areas
  • Calming the over-stimulated or fearful cat
  • Feral or semi-feral cat socialization, environment acclimation and training
  • Taking care of kittens

World-renowned Oxford-trained Cat Behaviorist Mieshelle Nagelschneider, The Cat Whisperer™️

Schedule an Appointment


Cat Behavior Problem:  Understanding Your Cat’s Behavior

We can even help you to understand behaviors that many clients think is abnormal, strange, or unusual, and help you interpret what those behaviors mean.

  • What’s normal male cat behavior — and what’s not
  • Cat in heat behavior and female cat behavior in general
  • Cat sexual and mating behavior
  • Pregnant cat behavior
  • Cat licking behavior
  • Cat litter box behavior
  • Cat kneading behavior
  • Feral cat behavior
  • Cat eating behavior
  • Cat nocturnal running behavior
  • Cat behavior by breed
  • Wild cat behavior, for wild cat owners or as a way of understanding domestic cat behavior or wild cat hybrid
Image of Kitten on a Blue Surface | Cat Behaviorist | Mieshelle Nagelschneider

Expert Help is Needed with Excessive Vocalization (or Activity) Cat Behavior Cases.

Contact The Cat Behavior Clinic

Contact The Cat Behavior Clinic to schedule a behavior consultation for your cat (or cats!).  Our team consults with cat owners worldwide from California to Australia.  Our veterinarians perform in-home consultations in the states they are licensed to practice or vet-to-vet consults remotely.

Frequently Asked Questions

All cat behavior solutions must take into consideration feline instincts and their evolutionary biology. The clinic has exclusive rights to Mieshelle Nagelschneider’s proprietary Cat Whisperer™ consulting, easy-to-implement C.A.T. Plan™ positive behavior modification, the most effective, comprehensive, and up-to-date system for curing any cat behavior problem.

Because every cat and environment is different, the plan allows for customized behavior techniques and environmental changes when needed – because cat behavior is not one-size-fits-all. Mieshelle has spent 20 years developing a method so effective that when clients follow it, their success rate is well over 90% (even higher for the most common issues).

Her science-based cat behavior book, The Cat Whisperer, has been featured in the New York Times and a best-seller on Amazon and published in 4 languages (Random House Publishing with co-writer Cameron Powell).

For cat behaviorists seeking certification, her book is a required curriculum by a number of cat behaviorist certifying organizations.

Love is born of mystery, and our cats are mysterious and loved in equal measure. But sometimes the greatest blessing of all is a bit of light thrown into a dark place. Mieshelle Nagelschneider holds that light. Allow her to share it with you.”– Gwen Cooper Author, Homer’s Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale, of Life With a Blind Wonder Cat (Random House), New York, NY

Veterinarian: “Over the course of many years, Mieshelle has developed and refined her unique ability to think like a cat. On numerous occasions I have witnessed the life-changing benefits Mieshelle’s techniques can bring to cats and their sometimes very frustrated owners.” – Veterinarian, Dr. James R. Shultz DVM, Portland, Oregon

Cat Behavior Veterinarian Referral from Dr. Lisa Berger DVM: “Despite all the disruptions, there have been no incidents of urination on the bed or the couch, and neither have been covered by plastic all week!” – Juanita H. Portland, Oregon

You have the African wildcat, your domestic cat’s ancestor, to thank for many of your cat’s “unwanted” cat behaviors. Learn more about this during your consultation to better understand and help your cat and solve its behavior issues. We often misunderstand cat behaviors. Once cat owners understand their cat instincts and biology, they can better understand why the behavior strategies work so well and can better apply them.

Mieshelle The Cat Whisperer™ has been the spokesperson and cat behavior expert for Comfort Zone, Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, and Cat Expert for Whiska’s International Media Tour Australia. Her cat behavior expertise is seen in the New York Times, The Today Show, NBC Dateline, MTV, Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, The Hallmark Channel, Modern Cat Magazine, Parade, Reader’s Digest, Cat Fancy Magazine, The New York Post, The Boston Globe, USA Today, This Wild Life, The Divine Cat, Real Simple Magazine, Salon.com, Petside, Freekibblekat, The Toronto Star, Canada Globe and Mail, Animal Rescue Site, The Daily Cat, Feline Wellness Magazine, Advisory Council Pet360.com, This Wild Life, The Cat Channel, Pets Magazine, The Circle, New Republic, The Sunrise Show, Yahoo.com, Herald Sun, Toronto Star, and countless others. See our Media Room below for the latest.

Feline behavior therapy is very different from canine behavior therapy and the approach to changing a cat’s behavior is even more unique. Cats do not display obedience problems like dogs. The help you need is not focused on physical or verbal behavior modification strategies, like dog training with a dog trainer present. All cat behaviorists conduct consultations by phone or video via Skype. Our behavior plans are specific to cats and still allow for the natural feline instincts, but when and where you want them displayed. We will cover the behavior plan during the phone or video consultation and offer follow-up over the course of several weeks for all of our consultation programs.

Call The Clinic Today at 503-267-8888